How to Communicate with Family after Detoxing

You’ve gone through detox here at Capo Canyon Recovery, and are now navigating the waters to transition into sobriety. You’ve made big steps and strides, and now it’s time to communicate your successes and experiences to your family. An important thing to keep in mind is that your family might not be fully prepared to hear all the nitty gritty in terms of your detox. It might be extremely hard for them to comprehend the pain that you have gone through to get to this place. Here are some helpful tips in terms of communicating with your family:
Write them a letter:
Sometimes, the best way to get your feelings across is a well-constructed letter. In a verbal conversation, meanings can get jumbled, tones could be taken wrong, and it can ramp up into a war of words that leave no sides with closure. With a letter, you can say what you need to say in the most kind and constructive way, and it also gives them an opportunity to have that same courtesy.
Understand they might have unresolved feelings from your days of addiction:
In your addiction, you might have left a wake of hurt to the ones who loved you most. Just because you are in a better place, doesn’t mean your family has resolved their issues. Be aware of that going into any conversations, and allow them to express the pain that they have gone through because of your addiction. One conversation isn’t going to fix years of hurt, but it can start you on the path to healing for both you and your loved ones.
Save the nitty gritty of the disease for your group or individual counseling:
Your family and friends probably want to help in any way they can, but hearing the pain you went through prior to detox, during detox, and after detox might be a lot for them to bear. Have experiences you need to talk about? Counseling for you or meetings of people who have gone through the same thing might be best.
Schedule joint counseling for you and them:
Like previously stated, your family and friends might have been left in the wake of the destruction your disease caused. Having a joint counseling session for both them and you could help diffuse any prolonged issues and improve future communication.
Need to start your own Detox Journey? Visit us here at Capo Canyon Recovery
Have questions regarding sobriety, detox, or anything in between? Contact us here at Capo Canyon Recovery in Laguna Niguel, CA. We are a licensed residential detox and treatment facility centrally located near Mission Viejo, CA, Aliso Viejo, CA, and Lake Forest, CA. Our program offers several holistic, educational, and therapeutic sessions for a healthy detox/sobriety experience. Have questions? Contact us today!
Read More on the Blog: Detoxing as an Older Adult