How the Joys of Spring Can Help Detox and Recovery

There’s something magical about the season of spring that refreshes the soul. Perhaps it is the new growth in the ground as it starts to burst into colorful life or maybe it’s simply the improved weather and longer days. Spring is one of the best times of year for your state of mind, feelings of positivity, and your well-being, which can be extremely helpful in combating addiction issues.
Say Goodbye to winter and Get Ready for summer
Spring is the transition season between the cold, dark days of winter to the long, hazy days of summer. Now that winter is behind us, everyone seems happier and the world’s a brighter place. The general mood shift is very real too and that’s why springtime is the best time to harness your natural positivity and use it to rid your life of negativity.
It’s not hard to understand that standing in the sunshine and absorbing those rays is one of the most positive things you can do to boost your mood. That helps those with addiction issues because successful recovery is a lot to do with frame of mind. When you’re feeling more buoyant in yourself, it’s easier to feel as though you’re taking strides in the right direction towards your recovery.
Research has proven that by spending just 30 minutes in pleasant weather is directly linked to improved happiness. Addiction is very much tied-in with your personal sense of well-being and state of mind and so spending time outdoors on a sunny day can help significantly in your journey to recovery.
Use the Season of spring to Kick-Start your Recovery with Capo Canyon Recovery
At Capo Canyon Recovery in Laguna Niguel, CA we encourage our patients and families to get out and enjoy the spring as much as possible to get the biggest boost from spring season mood changes. There is much to be said about employing positive thinking when dealing with recovery and getting out and active when the weather’s getting better can really help! There are plenty of outdoor activities around Southern California where our clinic is, which is why we’re perfectly placed to be of assistance in your recovery. For drug detox, alcohol detox, and prescription detox choose Capo Canyon Recovery. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.
Read More on the Blog: How a Disciplined Fitness Routine can Aid Detox and Recovery