How Creativity Can Help During Recovery

Most people have heard of the traditional approach to addiction recovery promoted by AA and NA. However, holistic rehab programs have become much more popular in recent years as people turn to non-religious or secular alternatives. Among the components of a holistic rehab program are creative activities such as Art or Music Therapy. Both have been proven to be extremely beneficial as part of an addiction treatment program.
How Creativity Can Aid in Recovery
When we get creative, we use a different part of our brains which is closely linked to our psychological and emotional state. When used in a therapy setting, activities such as art or playing a musical instrument can provide another channel for self-expression. This is really important in rehab, as it helps to improve self-awareness for a stronger recovery.
When patients in creative therapy commit their thoughts and feelings to an artistic medium such as art, music or writing, they get to know themselves better. Creative activities require a certain amount of introspection which is invaluable for people struggling to overcome addiction. However, the real value of creative therapy lies in the way it improves communication skills.
People who have been struggling with substance abuse often become withdrawn from others as their illness deepens. They will also in many senses feel powerless to understand what is happening to them, which is the result of the compulsive behavior associated with addiction. Creativity in rehab provides different channels for communicating thoughts and feelings and another perspective on what is an intensely personal illness.
Choose Capo Canyon Recovery for Personalized Addiction Rehab in Southern California
Capo Canyon Recovery understands that everyone has their own experience of substance abuse. We can show you how to develop healthy habits during recovery, including tapping in on your creativity. Our detox and recovery treatment in Orange County, CA contains many different therapeutic components to complement your program. What’s more, our exclusive residential detox facility in Laguna Niguel, CA is set in beautiful and tranquil surroundings to promote your wellbeing. Start your personal journey to recovery today with Capo Canyon Recovery.