Finding Joy in the Little Things

When someone has been through detox and rehabilitation from drugs and alcohol, they can sometimes feel overwhelmed at the prospect of returning home. During treatment, people learn a lot about themselves and they are prepared for sobriety with the support of therapists. There are plenty of techniques that can be used in recovery to enable a smooth and comfortable transition from rehab to recovery. Here are a few easy tips to help you through the early days in recovery that will stand you in good stead for the long term:
This is an ancient mindfulness practice that encourages relaxation through deep breathing. Meditation is also very helpful in silencing the sometimes negative inner dialogue a recovering addict that accompanies cravings.
Someone who has struggled with addiction is likely to have developed poor dietary habits and consequently be low on essential vitamins and minerals. Getting a well-balanced diet is important in building a good defense for the body as protection against illness and infection.
Physical Exercise
Even a daily brisk walk can improve a person’s fitness levels, leaving them feeling invigorated and ready to take on the day. When you take exercise, your body produces natural endorphins which create a high sensation. Keeping fit in recovery is a good way of promoting a more positive outlook.
Cultivating Gratefulness
When someone is recovering from addiction, they need to make amends with the people close to them they may have hurt with their negative behavior. Some of these relationships can be extremely important and often includes romantic partners, making healing very important to everyone. Learning how to be grateful for the things we have rather than constantly reflecting on what we don’t have brings about a better understanding that brings people together.
Find Joy Again at Capo Canyon Recovery Detox and Recovery near Mission Viejo, CA
Addiction is an illness that devastates lives. However, it is not only the person with substance use disorder who is affected by addiction and it is important that families are brought together for support and healing. Capo Canyon Recovery is a specialist addiction facility offering drug and alcohol detox treatment, rehab and aftercare services near Aliso Viejo, CA. We offer a wide range of alcohol and drug detox treatments that extends to the initial days and weeks of leaving rehab and returning home. Research shows that recovering addicts are more likely to sustain and maintain sobriety if they feel they are supported. Contact us in confidence today for professional assistance in finding healing from addiction.
Read More on the Blog: How the Joys of Spring Can Help Detox and Recovery